a dog lying in bed
General Dog Care

Anxiety in our Pets

Anxiety seems to be ever growing these days. Just like people, our pets can experience anxiety and at different amounts. They may experience anxiety in only a ew instances, or they could be pets who are anxious throughout the day and night. As a groomer, I feel I have been seeing an increase in dogs who have separation anxiety and anxiety being groomed. This seems to stem from pets who got used to their owners being home and the ones to groom them but are really struggling after their owner returns to work. 

Please know, it is always a good idea to contact your veterinarian if you feel your dog has an ongoing problem with anxiety. They can help by prescribing anti-anxiety medicine or by helping you find a behaviorist or behavior consultant for canines. This is especially important if your pet’s anxiety starts to develop into aggressive behavior. Even if your pet only experiences it at certain times, like car rides, your veterinarian can help you with that! Anxiety is stressful, and we know that stress can do unseen damage on human bodies. It is the same for our pets, so we need to make sure we get them feeling better to live a happier and longer life.

Now that we understand how serious anxiety in pets can be, let us go into what anxiety looks like in dogs. Note that dogs do not need to present all these symptoms to be considered anxious but not all of these alone indicate that your pet is anxious. Again, if you are unsure please see your veterinarian. 

Anxiety in a dog may appear as:

°Excessive Panting

°Licking of the lips

°yawning repeatedly 

°avoiding eye contact


°Self grooming to the point of tearing out fur/giving themselves hot spots

°Salivation and drooling

°Running away from home

Photo by Alina Skazka on Pexels.com


There are even more that are not listed, but this list will give you a good idea on what to look for if you think your pet is anxious. Check out the resources at the bottom of the article for more information.

Now that we know what anxiety looks like, let’s go into some ways to help your pet through that anxiety. 

Create a Daily Routine: Our pets thrive on routine. Keeping their feeding schedule, play time, walk time, and any other activities around the same time and in the same order will help them feel secure. Try to keep their days as consistent as possible. Cats especially like to stick to the same daily routine.

Incorporate Daily Exercise: Physical activity is a great way to help your dog lower their stress. Walks, fetch, or other physical games help your dog work off extra energy that they may be turning into anxious energy. Walking with your dog or going on runs with them may also help lower stress for you as well!

Keep them Mentally Stimulated: Mental stimulation is just as important as physical exercise and helps dogs focus on something other than whatever is making them unhappy. I wrote an article on ways to keep your pet mentally stimulated which you can find here, and includes a lot of different tips and methods.

Compression Shirts: If you have not heard of a Thundershirt for your dog, I would look into one! These are great during times like thunderstorms or fireworks. If you do not have one, or do not have the money to get one, try looking online for a video on how to wrap your pet in a blanket to help them. This gives them the feeling of being hugged and the compression may help lower their anxiety. This isn’t the best fix for all cases of anxiety, but situationally they can work very well!

Create a Sanctuary: This can either be a spot in your office area, a crate, your bedroom. Any place that your dog will be able to get to at any point that they need to get away. Make sure to NEVER use this space as a punishment or where you put them if they misbehaved. They need to see this kennel/spot as a place to come if they feel overwhelmed or stressed out. Make sure it is comfortable for them, if using a kennel make sure they can stand and turn around so they can make themselves comfortable. Sometimes adding an item of your clothing like an old shirt will help them. 

Adding Pheromones and Calming Music: Online and in pet stores you can find calming pheromone plug-ins for dogs and cats. They put out a hormone that helps to lower your pets anxiety. Calming music is also helpful, and having these two things while working on separation anxiety can be a big help. Also if you know a stressful time is about to happen, get their sanctuary ready for them and if possible play music and use pheromones to help them stay calm. 

Photo by @rrinna on Pexels.com

If most of these do not work on your pet, then it is time to find a behavior consultant. You can find them for dogs and for cats, and they can work with your and your pets specific problems. They notice things you may not, and be able to help you see them too and work through the problem. They are great for helping desensitize your pet when it comes to separation anxiety, other dogs, and any other triggers your pet may have. 

I hope this article is of some help to you and your anxious furry friend. I have listed below my references for this article for some continued reading!

Stay calm and keep wagging!


Edwards, J. (2021, June 29). Helping your dog battle anxiety and stress | FitBark. FitBark GPS Pet Tracker & Activity Monitor | Smart Collar for Dogs & Cats. https://www.fitbark.com/blog/helping-your-dog-battle-anxiety-and-stress

Petroff, M., & DVM (Clinical Behavior Resident). (2020, April 23). How to help calm down an anxious dog. The Best Pet Health & Care Advice from Real Vets | PetMD. https://www.petmd.com/dog/behavior/evr_dg_how-to-calm-down-an-anxious-dog

Top 10 Tips for Relieving Your Pets Stress. (n.d.). Fairfax Veterinary Clinic. https://fairfaxvet.com/top-10-tips-for-relieving-your-pets-stress/

Cat Health and Wellness, General Dog Care

Picking Health Insurance for your Pet

Photo by Sam Lion on Pexels.com

There are an increasing number of pet parents getting insurance for their pets, and for good reason! Costs of veterinary care only continue to rise and when our pet gets sick or injured suddenly it can really be stressful having to decide the course of treatment based solely off of what the cost may add up to. When my Abby became ill with a tumor the cost quickly added up between the visits, x rays, and medications. I was wishing I had invested in pet insurance for her, and will be doing so for my next dog. So I wanted to share what I have learned about picking good insurance for your pet!

Firstly, I want to discuss another option that will help finance your pet’s medical care. If you want to have some sort of protection to be able to pay for veterinary care immediately, there is a credit card named Care Credit (I am not affiliated with this company, and am speaking from my personal experience with them as a consumer). My vet offered it to me when Abby was just a puppy, and it truly did help cover what I needed to in that moment (she had hurt her paw in the backyard and was limping). This is, however, a credit card. They will pull your credit and you will have to pay this amount back with interest. My vet was very kind and offered to help me with the paperwork, but from what I hear not all vets do this. You can also apply before an emergency so you already have it on hand. Care Credit does a lot of offers that if you spend over a certain amount on your card you have x amount of time to pay it back interest fee. Always look into what the company is offering when you need to use it. This option also has the added bonus of being able to be used by people as well at certain medical facilities like dentist offices. Not all practices accept Care Credit, make sure to call ahead and verify! 

Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko on Pexels.com

Now to get into the meat of the article, pet health insurance. 

Before getting to the advice part, let us go over how exactly your pet’s insurance will work. Pet insurance works on a reimbursement basis. This means that you will pay up front costs of the veterinarian, then you send in your receipts and other necessary paperwork to your pet’s insurance company and they will send you money back for whatever they cover under your policy. Now there are a few companies out there who will pay the veterinary directly but they are few and far between. 

*Compare, Compare, Compare: Not all plans are created equal. Make sure you really look through what each plan covers for your pet. Most of these policies will not cover pre existing conditions, and may not cover certain procedures or wellness visits. Make sure to find a few different companies (check references at end of article) and see what fits your lifestyle best!

*Ask Them Questions: Make sure to call these companies and ask them questions. Not only will this give you a better idea on what will be covered and how their policy works, you get a better understanding of their customer service. If you call and no one can answer your questions or you can’t seem to get through to anyone at all, it may be in your best interest to try another company. 

Photo by Vanserline Vandenberg on Pexels.com

*Start Young: Because these companies typically do not cover pre existing conditions, it’s best to start as young as possible. Even something as simple as a spell of vomiting before the policy starts could be labeled as a pre existing condition and would run a risk of not being covered in the future. Adopting an older dog does make getting a policy tricky in this regard, but no matter the age of your pet, insurance is still important!

*Check for Loopholes: As stated in the above advice point, these insurance companies will find ways to not cover things (just like us!). Along with not covering pre existing conditions, they may also have a waiting period before the policy starts up. If anything happens during that time, they most likely will not cover it. This is an unfortunate necessity on their part, to help prevent insurance fraud, but make sure to be vigilant of your pet during this time period. Make sure things like breed specific illnesses and other areas of concern are covered!

Picking out pet insurance can seem daunting, but pets are becoming such a huge part of our daily lives that even companies like Geico are offering pet insurance! There are a great many options to look into, and make sure to check my references at the end of the article to help you on your journey! Stay safe and healthy!


Geico. (n.d.). What is pet insurance and how does it work? An Insurance Company For Your Car And More | GEICO. https://www.geico.com/information/aboutinsurance/pet/#:~:text=Pet%20insurance%20is%20a%20form,are%20covered%20by%20the%20policy

Hospital, C. V. (2022, December 6). 8 tips for choosing the best health insurance plan for your pet. Vet In Toney | Countryside Veterinary Hospital. https://mycountrysidevet.com/8-tips-for-choosing-the-best-health-insurance-plan-for-your-pet/#iLightbox%5Bgallery805%5D/0

Metz, J. (n.d.). Best Pet Insurance Companies of February 2023. Forbes. https://www.forbes.com/advisor/pet-insurance/best-pet-insurance/

General Dog Care

Dog Food Series Part 3: Fresh Dog Food

Photo by mali maeder on Pexels.com

I am so excited to bring you the third installment of my dog food diet series: fresh food! I have been working in and out of pet stores since 2012, where I first discovered fresh foods. I remember working while they installed Fresh Pet freezers and seeing all the selections of food that pet parents had to choose from. Although I never was able to give them a try (and I’ll go into why a little later in the cons section), I can’t wait to try fresh food with my next dog. 

As I alluded to above, fresh dog food is food that is prepared with fresh ingredients and are kept in a fridge until prepared and given to your pup. You can find them online with retailers like Chewy or at most pet stores. This type of food is the newest to hit the market for consumers, and their popularity continues to grow. Let’s get into why these products are so popular, but also what else you should know before ultimately deciding if a fresh diet for your lifestyle. 

Photo by Rarnie McCudden on Pexels.com

Like stated earlier, a great benefit to this food is that it is made with whole fresh ingredients. You typically won’t find any preservatives or by-products in these foods. Along with not having these by-products, you’ll see there are no unnecessary fillers. These foods smell amazing to your pet, and are a great choice for those of you who have picky eaters on your hands or for dogs who have sensitive stomachs. Just like canned food, it contains more moisture than its kibble counterpart and will help keep your dog hydrated. There are many great brands to pick from, along with a large selection of proteins and vegetables. 

Photo by Nicola Barts on Pexels.com

But with all great things, there are some downsides. I feel the biggest one is the price. Fresh food is pretty pricey compared to canned or kibble, which is what ultimately the reason was for me not being able to give my own pet a fresh diet. This can get even pricier if it isn’t used in a timely manner, as it will go bad. From what I’ve read these foods typically last a week, give or take a little bit of time. Along with being the more expensive diet, it also takes up the most space. You will need a dedicated amount of space in your refrigerator, as these need to be kept cold due to having no preservatives in them. Fresh shares a con with canned food as you will need to take the time to prepare the food for your dog every day, and make sure to clean up any leftovers as it can go bad and make your dog sick. There will also be considerably more dishes for you to wash, make sure to have a few dishes to swap out with. Which is more space. 

It seems that fresh pet food is one of the healthiest options for your dog, but it does come with a price. As I said in my last post, I believe a combination of these diets could work well for most pet parents. Fresh foods not only come in a full diet but toppers and treats to help give your dog these wonderful options without breaking the bank or if you may not have the room to be able to keep all the food. Kibble, canned, or fresh food; whatever you choose, know that your pet can live a long and healthy life! Give them a life full of flavor! 


8 best fresh dog food brands: [2023 reviews + ratings]. (2022, November 17). K9 of Mine. https://www.k9ofmine.com/best-fresh-dog-food-brands/

Graves, S. (2019, September 26). The pros and cons of fresh dog food. Top Dog Tips. https://topdogtips.com/pros-cons-fresh-dog-food/

Wallwork, R. (2022, October 14). Everything you need to know about fresh dog food. BeChewy. https://be.chewy.com/benefits-farm-fresh-pet-foods/?search-ban-10=UID-sb-10-BlackFriday2022&gbraid=0AAAAADmQ2V3G-mnpTRuCVj1xltLLmq8HJ&gclid=CjwKCAiArNOeBhAHEiwAze_nKOLDQW1ic2REnWLbTFUUmUNPW4T8KcHGdQIFjn0giTiEIlmqnZ7h7xoCn5gQAvD_BwE

General Dog Care

Dog Diet Series Part 2: Wet Dog

Photo by Ilargian Faus on Pexels.com

Welcome to the second part of my dog food series! Today’s blog post is going to be all about wet (canned) dog food. Going into this article, I quickly realized I didn’t know much about wet dog food and I never really fed it to my own dog. Thankfully, there isn’t as much going into wet food as there is going into kibble, which I covered in my last post. As always there will be references at the end of the article if you would like to continue on with your research, which I implore you to do!

This article will break down some pros and cons and wet dog food, enjoy!

There are quite a few benefits to feeding your dog wet food. Firstly, to most dogs it is more appetizing for them than kibble. It makes this a great option if you have a picky eater on your hands. Along with picky eaters, there are also a lot of dogs who simply do not drink enough water. Canned dog food is high in moisture content and can help your dog stay a little more hydrated. 

If you have a dog who is missing teeth or recovering from an illness/injury, then having wet food to help them eat is a great option. Wet dog food can be not only easier to eat physically, but also can be gentler on the stomach and easier to digest. This option also typically, comparatively to its kibble counterpart, is higher in proteín and lower in carbs (but please always check your labels). 

For owners, this is easier to store than freeze dried or a raw diet, and has a decently long shelf life. 

Photo by Amal Santhosh on Pexels.com

As with benefits, there are also an equal amount of cons. For me, the biggest issue is to preserve these cans of food, manufacturers will use BPA and other harmful chemicals. You will always want to check the packaging for expiration dates and for what preservatives they are using in their foods. Canned products also contain by products, which are the parts of animals and plants that are discarded and unwanted. Make sure your canned food contains full ingredients with a mix of protein and vegetables. Talking about ingredients, wet food is also typically higher in fat than dry dog food. Your dog’s dental care also comes into play, as this option of food also increases the buildup of plaque and tartar on their teeth. Make sure to have a good dental routine in place for your pet! 

Buying all these cans of food typically becomes pretty costly. After opening, they will also need to be covered and stored in the fridge, and will spoil much more quickly after opening. There is also the concern of waste from the cans/containers themselves, as these do contribute to landfills. Be sure to rinse and recycle your containers! As you can imagine, cleaning up the wet food is also messy. Having to clean up not only the cans but whatever plate/bowl you feed them with. There is also the concern of storage space, and how often you may need to stock up depending on how many you can store at a time. The smell can also be very unpleasant to us humans, but your dog will love it!

Photo by Cup of Couple on Pexels.com

Overall, like with all food options it has its pros and cons. From what I’ve read during my research, a balance of wet and dry food would be best for a more balanced diet for your dog. They will have more moisture and protein, and their palates will love the different and bolder flavors. Another option to canned food are healthy food toppers! You can find these at pet stores, online, and you can even look up how to make healthy food toppers for your dog at home so you know exactly what is going into your dog’s food! 

The next in the series will be about raw/freeze dried dog foods!


Dry, canned, or Semi-Moist: Food choices for dogs | VCA animal hospital. (n.d.). Vca. https://vcahospitals.com/know-your-pet/dry-canned-or-semimoist-food-choices-for-dogs

Nelson, J. (2022, December 14). Pros and cons of different types of dog food. iHeartDogs.com. https://iheartdogs.com/pros-and-cons-of-different-types-of-dog-food/

One moment, please… (n.d.). One moment, please… https://dogsnpawz.com/benefits-and-drawbacks-of-wet-canned-dog-food/

The pros and cons of wet food for dogs. (2020, November 9). The Spruce Pets. https://www.thesprucepets.com/pros-and-cons-of-wet-food-for-dogs-5079527

General Dog Care

Dog Diet Series: Phase 1 – Dry Dog Food

Photo by Ricardo Esquivel on Pexels.com

When trying to decide what to feed our dogs, the choices are overwhelming. First you have to decide what type of diet to feed your pet, then decide the best brands and ways to feed your dog that type of food. I want to help that process just a little bit by going into some of the pros and cons of different types of food. 

When I went to start this article, I was going to put it all into one article. After doing some research I decided very quickly that I needed to break it down into smaller articles to be able to have shorter posts but also give a little more information on each type of diet. 

The first in my dog food series is dry food, also known as kibble. 

Kibble is made using dried up ingredients that are then ground and processed into small bite size pieces for dogs. It typically includes a form of protein, vegetables, and a binder (more about these a little later). Each brand will make their kibble look different and have different ingredients. Before we break down what is inside of kibble, I want to go over a few things outside of the contents of the food itself. The pros and cons so to speak.

Photo by MART PRODUCTION on Pexels.com

Kibble is the easiest for storage and has the longest shelf life, if stored properly. In an article I read (check references at the end of the article), they suggested moving your entire bag into a storage container instead of dumping the contents out of the bag into the container. Dry dog food manufacturers have developed quality bags that help keep the food fresh. Your storage container will help keep out the bugs and small critters! You can easily find these containers at pet supply stores, and online retailers as well.

Kibble is also the most cost effective form of feeding our dogs. It is relatively easy to find a brand within almost any budget (but be warned what those cost saving kibbles have inside of them). Along with the variety of budgets that it covers is a wide variety of formulas. These formulas can focus on issues like joint and gut health, or be a different style like low calorie and limited ingredients. Always be sure to be checking the ingredients to make sure that what is inside matches the claims that the package is making, more about that later on in this article. 

Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels.com

Now for the not-so-good parts of feeding our dogs kibble. Something I addressed a few times in the last couple of paragraphs is what is actually inside the food itself. A lot of makers of these foods include unnecessary ingredients like dyes that are only included to make the kibble look more attractive to the pet parents. There have also been numerous recalls made by the FDA to various well known brands of pet food, with a range of different issues. The FDA has a list of all open warning letters against these manufacturers so you can keep up if you so choose. 

There is an organization named the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO), which is a group of members dedicated and committed to making sure the quality of pet food is continued to be elevated and monitored. Finding packaging with their stamp means that it has been tested to make sure it is a quality food that does not contain any harmful ingredients or chemicals. Wait, did she say chemicals? Yes, I did! There is a list of harmful chemical additives that some manufacturers use that extends the shelf life of the kibble but is horrible for the health of your pet. The references at the end include an article that has a list of these chemicals. 

Another area of concern is that when it comes to advertisement of these different kibbles, manufacturers are held from little to no accountability as to what they put on their package. There are many foods in the pet industry (along with supplements and additives) that say that they will help with joint pain or anxiety, as a couple examples, but have gone through zero testing to prove these statements are actually true. The best way to tell if it will actually help the intended purpose is to look at the ingredients list. Let’s say that your dog’s food claims to help with gut health, but the list of ingredients includes ‘chicken by product meal’ as the second ingredient and you see carrageenan as the preservative. It may be time to start looking for a new brand/manufacture. Again, the list of articles at the end of this one will help you dive deeper into your knowledge of the dog food industry. 

Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko on Pexels.com

Now, there is also some controversy on whether or not dry kibble helps with cleaning teeth. I have written another article where I cover this topic and I personally believe that it does not help with dental care, unless you are getting kibble specifically made to help with their teeth. Plaque and tartar will still build up, so make sure you have a good dental routine for your dog. Check out my article about dental health for some great tips to care for your dog’s teeth!

Now that you are armed with the general knowledge about dry dog food, you may still be a bit confused. Mostly as I kept saying ‘check the ingredients list’ but you don’t really know what you’re supposed to be looking for or maybe even what you are looking at. Personally, when I am choosing my dog’s food I look firstly at the top 5 ingredients of the food. The reason being is that dog food ingredients are listed by weight, so this tells me what the main composition of the food is made of. Secondly, I look for that list of harmful preservatives to make sure they do not appear on the list. 

Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels.com

When looking at the top 5 ingredients in your dog’s food the first ingredient you will typically see is some form of meat: Chicken, beef, etc. Keep in mind one thing, this meat is weighed before the dehydration process. Meaning all that moisture is still in the meat. The main ingredient adds an aroma for the pet, but is mostly a selling point to pet parents. However, some dogs do have a preference for how their kibble smells so it is still something to keep in mind! The second ingredient is when you will start to see the word ‘meal’. Meal is basically what is left after the protein has been dehydrated and ground down. Because pet food ingredients are listed by weight, Meals are important! I like to see a combination of vegetable and protein meals, to help keep the diet more balanced. I mentioned this above, but stay away from ‘by-product meals’. This is made up of the parts of the animals and plants that are not quality enough to make it into the ‘meal’. This includes all the parts of the process that are put to the side that are deemed ‘unworthy’, so to speak. These act as fillers to the kibble, and simply save the manufacturers money. 

One ingredient I did not touch on is corn. During my research I came across a ton of articles and they all seemed to go back and forth as to whether or not corn is bad or good. I leave this one to you, the reader, to decide. Many articles at the end that are listed go into their opinions of corn, and I hope they help you decide if it is something you wish to be in your pet’s diet or not. 

Photo by Rarnie McCudden on Pexels.com

If you’ve made it to the end of this, I hope that you have learned a good deal about your dog’s food. To most dog owner’s, myself included, kibble is a staple part of their diet. My parting words to you, are to consider additives to your dog’s diet. Many dogs love vegetables, and there are lots of healthy additives to put on top of their bowls. Each brand lists the amount of protein, vitamins and minerals in each bag. However, these are actually ranged and not always spot on. Adding vegetables to your dog’s diet helps add a little variety to their palate while also ensuring they are receiving natural forms of their vitamins  and minerals. Ask your vet for a list of dog safe vegetables, or if they have a reference to a trust source. 


(n.d.). The Association of American Feed Control Officials > Home. https://www.aafco.org/

Coile, C. (2022, July 29). The truth behind 8 dog food myths. American Kennel Club. https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/nutrition/dog-food-myths/

Kerns, N. (2019, March 21). 10 dry dog food shopping tips. Whole Dog Journal. https://www.whole-dog-journal.com/food/10-dry-dog-food-shopping-tips/

Palmer, J. (2022, August 22). 10 surprising myths about dry dog food. iHeartDogs.com. https://iheartdogs.com/10-surprising-myths-about-dry-dog-food/

Union Lake Veterinary Hospital. (2022, March 31). Ingredients to avoid in dog food, treats, and bones – Union lake veterinary hospital. https://unionlakeveterinaryhospital.com/blog/ingredients-to-avoid-in-dog-food-treats-and-bones

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General Dog Care

Keep Your Dog Cool This Summer

Hello pet parents and dog lovers! It’s getting pretty warm here in Michigan, along with  most of the northern hemisphere. It’s very important to make sure that you help your dog stay cool this summer! 

Lucky enjoying nice weather!

An Important Note:

Most veteran dog owners know the basics, but in case this is your first summer with your new furry friend let’s go over some basics! First I feel it’s important to note that dogs’ internal temperature is higher than that of us, sitting around 101-102.5 F. This is important to know, because if you take your dog’s temperature and it’s at 103F they are running a fever. Once they hit 106F it is critical to seek medical attention for them! What I go over in this article will help you to make sure that this scary situation doesn’t happen to your dog. 

Ways to Keep Them Cool

Stay Inside with the AC: I start with this because it does seem to be the most simple way to keep cool. If temps are reaching severe temperatures I would advise staying within the reach of air conditioning. However, not everyone has access to AC or some dogs simply do not like being inside for long periods at a time. 

Groom/Brush Your Dog Regularly: As a dog groomer, I have to cover this. Single coated dogs (shih Tzu, poodle, Yorkie. Etc.) can be shaved but I do recommend leaving enough fur on to help prevent sunburn. If you do shave these dogs, make sure to find doggie sunblock so their skin is protected. When it comes to double coats (think husky, malamutes, labradors etc.), do NOT shave them! Not only does it ruin their coat, but thes coats are designed to help your dog regulate their body temperature. If you take it away, it makes it harder for them. Most groomers will not shave these breeds, unless recommended by the dogs veterinarian for health issues. For these breeds, make sure to brush them frequently to help them release their undercoat. If you are having trouble, wash them in dog moisturizing shampoo and conditioner (yes, they make conditioner for dogs!) to help loosen that coat to make it easier to brush. 

Chillin’ outside!

Now that we’ve covered some basics, and we are ready to be outside, here are some ideas to keep them comfy while you enjoy your summer! I’m not an affiliate, so there will be no links to products. Make sure to read all reviews on the products you purchase! 

Photo by Jill Burrow on Pexels.com

Provide Some Shade:

There are some human and dog products that help. If you have space in your hard, portable canopies and portable sun shades bring comfort to both you and your dog. These can be rather large, and a fun smaller option would be a shaded pet cot. These are typically elevated with a mesh cloth in the middle to help air circulate and keep them cool. A few tips are to place these on cooler surfaces like grass instead of concrete and you can even put a container of ice under it so they feel cool. 

Abigail loves water!

Water Fun: 

Lots of dogs love water, and there are some fun options out there to keep them entertained and cool. There are plenty of small dog pools that are great options! There are also fun toys to put at the end of a hose: spinning sprinklers and also toys where they have to push a pedal to get the water to come out. If your dog isn’t active, there are fans that spray out a cooling mist that they may enjoy more. 

Now be careful not to let your dog drink too much water! Too much water consumption at once can make your dog sick, as it can throw off their sodium levels and can also cause bloat. 

Along with the misting fans I just mentioned, there are other options if your pooch isn’t very active. Cooling mats are great to place in some shade, and there are cooling blankets as well. 

Out on the Go:

Tsuki is ready!

If you and your dog enjoy walking and adventuring this next part is for you! These are great portable options to help you carry water and bowls for your pup. Remember what I said earlier; you can accidentally give your dog too much water! Space out their water consumption so they don’t drink too much at once. There are also cooling vests and collars out there, where you get them wet and it helps the dog remain cool. Dogs do not sweat, so these vests act in this way for your dog! 

While on the go, make sure to cover up your dog’s paws. Although they are built to withstand being able to walk around on natural elements, they are not made to withstand human made pavements like concrete or especially black top with how hot they get. It may take your dog time to get used to, but a good judgement is if it is too hot for you to walk on it is a good possibility that it may be too hot for your dog. Take time helping your dog get used to shoes little by little, because trying to put them on then go on a long walk or adventure for the first time may not be the best way to help your pup get used to them. 

I mentioned this above, but if you are taking your dog out in the sun consider if they may need some doggie sunscreen. Even if your dog may not need it all over, consider the belly area that may not be as much fur, around the muzzle or tips of the ears. Anywhere where the fur may not be able to fully protect the skin. If your dog has white short fur I could use it all over per the directions on the product that you purchase. 

Now You Are Ready to Take on the Heat!

I hope this article helps you find the best way to keep your pup cool! My last dog Abigail was a Saint Bernard, so keeping her cool during summer was crucial (But try getting her to come in during the winter…that’s a different story for a different time). 

Enjoy your summer and stay cool my friends!

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General Dog Care

How to Prevent (and Treat) Fleas on Dogs

Photo by Leah Kelley on Pexels.com

Spring is right around the corner, and for those of us in the colder states we may be starting to feel the first signs of the new season right around the corner. The snow is melting, the days start to be above freezing and we occasionally get that beautiful day above 50 F. As great as that all is, this is also the time that the fleas (and other bugs) start to stir. In Michigan, I have seen that our ‘flea season’ (fleas can be a problem year round for pets, the season just indicates when they are most active) is typically between April thru November. So let’s prepare our pets to make sure that fleas are a non-issue this season! If fleas are already a problem, stick around because I’ll go over how to get rid of them if they are already on your dog and in your home. 

I am going to say, I am not well versed in natural ways to prevent fleas. Because of that, I am not going to cover that topic here. I do not want to spread information that I am just not well knowledgeable in, but I implore you to speak with your veterinarian before adopting any sort of new flea treatments for your pets: natural or medications.

Let’s go over how to Prevent Your Dog from Getting Fleas

My first recommendation would be a flea preventative. You can get these prescribed by your veterinarian or over the counter at most pet stores. Not all flea preventatives are created equal! In my years in grooming salons I have found that brands that are cheaper have a tendency to cause a chemical burn and reactions on dogs’ skins. Your vet will have a preferred brand that they like to work with and I would always go with that brand. Even if you find it more expensive than what you would like to pay, your veterinarian will know that brand and how it acts better than any other and can help you just in case your pet does have a reaction to them. 

For my dog, we used K9 Advantix II, which is a spot on treatment, and it seemed to work great for us! Spot on treatments work by applying a small dose of liquid medication on your dog where they won’t be able to disturb it: typically in between their shoulder blades. This medication then starts to be absorbed into the skin and will spread to the rest of the body, killing the fleas that may be living on your dog and being able to do so typically for about a month. If the fleas were able to lay eggs before dying, once the eggs hatch they will also die once they start to bite. Keep this in mind if you swore you got rid of the fleas and a few days later more show up, they will not be able to lay new eggs and they will most likely stop appearing.

Another flea preventative is oral medication. From what I have read, these medications can work in a variety of ways depending on what brand you decide to go with. They use either hormone growth regulators possibly alongside insecticide (which is what is used to kill the adult fleas in spot on treatments), which targets the eggs of the fleas by preventing the eggs to hatch and molt. However, a lot of brands do not have insecticide in them and oral medications are often paired with spot on treatments to make sure all bases of flea prevention are covered! Speak to your vet if you would like an oral medication that has both growth hormone disruptors and insecticide. 

Collars are a very popular option, but reviews and opinions on them vary especially in the animal care world. In my opinion, I do not recommend flea collars. Although there are some brands out there that work by slowly being soaked in by the glands on the skin, others only protect that specific area of the dog. In my salon days, I have seen many times where a dog came in with a flea collar on and we still found fleas on the dog; they just migrated to the belly or the base of the tail. I would use this method alongside one of the two mentioned above if you do want to use a flea collar. Please also be careful with the brand you pick, as stated above for spot on treatments these collars can also create burns and skin irritations and some brands seem to have these issues more than others. Speak within your veterinarian on what flea collars they would recommend for your dog. 

Examples of different flea preventatives

What if Your Dog Already Has Fleas? Let’s go over that Now

First, start with picking one of the first two options above. Getting that preventative started will help to make sure the fleas have no home to go to if new fleas find their way onto your dog again. Fleas can hop on your dog from any place, even walking across a parking lot if they just happened to have jumped off any other animal right before you walked by. It truly can happen that quickly. 

Let’s also make sure we do not over medicate our dogs. A lot of people will want to give them a flea bath and then put preventative on and I suggest extreme caution. Giving a bath is fine, but using a highly medicated and toxic shampoo then putting even more medicine on them with a spot on or giving it to them orally can possibly cause a reaction because of all the toxins. 

For baths, I personally like to use a tea tree shampoo. It will help relieve that itching that they have been feeling, and is also said to be a natural flea killer. Saying that, DO NOT apply tea tree oil to your dog! It is extremely hard to dilute properly so purchasing a well known tea tree dog formulated shampoo is the safest option, as if not diluted properly could make your dog very sick! I used the brand Espree while working in a salon and it smells wonderful and the dogs really seemed to enjoy it. At home in a pinch I have used dawn dish soap, but it can really damage their coat so be careful. 

*Groomer tip: Don’t wet your dog before putting the soap on. Lather the soap super thick all over, avoiding the eyes and ear canals and let them soak for a good 10 minutes. This will help your dog’s skin feel better and also help drown/kill the fleas that are on there, and I find the element of surprise (no water) catches the most fleas without them jumping off! Make sure to focus on the areas where the fleas will want to hide: belly, base of tail and the armpits!

Photo by Benjamin Lehman on Pexels.com

If you have no access to a bath and you find some fleas, there are sprays that are also sold at pet stores but I have personally never used them. Please read all the instructions before using any of the above products on your dog! 

Once we have the fleas off your dog and have a flea preventative on them, you may need to focus on how bad the infestation is in your home. With your dog on a preventative, the fleas should slowly start to fade away, however, if the infestation was really bad you may need to take further steps to make sure they are completely gone. At most pet stores you can find foggers which contain a high amount of toxins and chemicals that spread through the house and will kill most if not all the fleas. You need to be very careful to read all instructions on the package to keep all of your belongings safe during this process, as again these foggers are highly toxic. Another solution to consider is using a flea treatment in your yard. This will help, as other animals like squirrels and rabbits also carry fleas. 

If you are unsure on how to proceed with ridding your home and yard of these pests, I would recommend contacting an exterminator. They will be able to guide you in the right direction!

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Burke, A. (2019, July 24). How to get rid of dog fleas in 4 steps – American Kennel Club. American Kennel Club. https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/health/how-to-get-rid-of-fleas/

Prevent and treat fleas. (2018, February 21). WebMD. https://pets.webmd.com/fleas-prevent-treat#3

General Dog Care

Keeping Your Dog Mentally Stimulated

Photo by Jozef Fehér on Pexels.com

Just like humans, dogs need more than just physical exercise. They need mental stimulation too! I have groomed many dogs over the years where the pet parents will tell me that their dogs are so hyper all the time, even after walks. I wanted to look into this, and it turns out a big factor in helping your dog be more calm is to stimulate their minds along with working out their bodies!

Please don’t get me wrong, physical exercise is very important! It is truly half the battle, and without it your dog will still be very hyper. Both are needed! So in this article I am going to go over different ways to help your dog stay stimulated. I will be trying to include a variety that can be done inside and outside so no matter the weather or living situation you will hopefully find something to help!

Taking Time to Smell on Walks

As just discussed, walks are important. But there is more to walks than just getting it over with, at least for them! Even just going up and down the block will have different scents for your dog every time. Letting them smell around and engage with their environment will help them feel much more tired and calm after their walks. If you are uncomfortable with your dog deciding every place they want to smell, try giving them designated smelling areas or a command like ‘go smell’ for certain times during the walk is still just as beneficial! Plus teaching your dog a command like ‘go smell’ will be extra stimulation!

Teach Your Dog a New Trick

There are so many cool tricks you can teach your dog! YouTube will be your best friend, as there are lots of different tutorials by trainers to help pet parents teach their pups something new. Even just around 15 minutes of teaching them a new trick every day will help keep their minds engaged and also help them bond with you! Besides shake, sit and lay down, there are a lot more cool tricks to teach! Keep in mind to use both toys and treats as rewards depending on how often you are training your dog, as all those extra treats do add up! 

Invest in Puzzle Toys/Feeders

We all love to spoil our dogs with toys, why not get them some that help stimulate their mind a little more? There are toys that are self fetching toys that launch a ball for them, they have to figure out where to put the ball to get it to be thrown! There are also toys that you can put treats in and your pup will roll it around to get the treats out, just be warned these toys can get a little noisy! In my reference page there will be articles that will dive deeper into the different toys on the market. My personal favorite one has been by Kong and has the dog roll it around the floor to get the treats out! This keeps them physically and mentally active.

Photo by Mathew Coulton on Pexels.com

Rotate out Old Toys

Speaking of toys, it may be a good idea to invest in a small  (or large) bin to keep your dog’s toys in. Every day or even just when you notice your dog not as interested in them, swap them out for other toys in the bin. Give them a couple of toys a day to play with, they don’t need all of them at once! This helps keeps things fresh for your dog and will help you save a little money as well! Rope toys, squeakers, and chews are all great options to have on hand!

Teach Your Dog a Game to Play

This is on the same level as tricks but gets you as the pet parent more involved. You can teach your dog the name of their toys and then follow up with a “find it” command to have them find specific toys. You can also play hide and seek! This will require two people, as one will have your dog stay in a sit/stay while the other hides. Then give your command and let the games begin! You can try obstacle courses set up around the house (great for winter time!) and so much more! I have found lots of great games to play with my dog from Pinterest, I recommend checking out the app as well!

As you can see, keeping your dog mentally stimulated is fun and doesn’t have to take a long time every day. Again, even just 15 minutes of mental stimulation or giving your dog that extra 15 minutes of sniff time during your walks will most likely result in a calmer and more content dog!

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10 ways to give your dog more mental stimulation. (2021, December 13). Puppy Leaks. https://www.puppyleaks.com/more-mental-stimulation/

6 great ways to challenge your dog’s mind. (2020, September 23). Cesar’s Way. https://www.cesarsway.com/6-great-ways-to-challenge-your-dogs-mind/

Ellis, N. (2009, January 1). Games to play with your dog. American Kennel Club. https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/training/mentally-stimulated-happy-dog/

General Dog Care

Protecting Your Dog’s Paws in the Winter

Tsuki as a puppy playing in the snow

Being mid-January here in Michigan, snow and freezing cold temperatures are all around us. This doesn’t stop dogs from needing to exercise and burn energy! There are also dogs who are built for the cold who may not even want to come inside.

We all know that their fur protects them from the cold, and there are plenty of sweaters and coats to help them as well. But what about their paws? Their paws are what touches the snow and ice that covers the ground. Humans also put out salt and other products that could hurt the pads on your dog’s paws.

So what can we do to help our dogs enjoy winter? There are a few and very simple ways that we can do protect their paws against the harsh winter elements!

Image from google.com


Some people may think they look silly, but I find them the best protection for your furry friend in the snow! They will prevent any ice and snow from gathering between their toes, and keep those melting products away. It may take your dog time to get used to them, so I would just slowly work your way to using them. Start the process in the summer/fall so that when winter comes around your dog will be comfortable wearing them! Start as slow as your dog needs, introducing them and giving rewards for each step of the process. I will have a page of references with a website that goes into detail how to help your dog get used to their new boots!

This is the company and products I use in my house call business! But lots of different balms exist if this doesn’t work for you

*Paw Balms/Petroleum Jelly-Based Products

These products help keep a protective layer over their feet to help keep a barrier between the paw pads and snow. They also help keep their paws nice and hydrated, as we all know dry skin is an issue in the winter! There are dog specific paw balms, which make sure the ingredients are safe for dogs and which is what I typically use. A few websites I found suggested petroleum jelly-based products like Vasoline but I personally have not tried that with my own dog.

This is a great option as it absorbs a lot of water and you get to keep your terry cloth towels for you and the people in the house

*Keep a Towel Handy

When coming inside, make sure to wipe down their feet and their bodies to make sure they are nice and dry. Get in between their toes to make sure nothing is hiding in there. If salt or ice melting products are stuck in their toes it could cause irritations to happen. There are paw moisturizers that you can put on after they come inside as well to help with paw health and can be used year round!

Short walks are good! He gets paw balm on when he gets home and always has his coat on!

*Keep Walks Short

I understand that some breeds out there like the husky, malamute, saint bernard etc do not want to be inside during this time. For other dogs, keep your walks short. There may also be indoor agility courses you can take your dog to to help burn out some energy! If your dog seems to be getting restless, I would recommend getting a couple interactive toys that are like puzzles to help them keep busy while the days are shorter and they may not be able to get outside like they can during the warmer months. 

I hope this article helps those in colder climates help care for their dogs better while we still get through these next few months! Stay warm!

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Klein, J., & CVO. (2021, February 18). Protect your dog’s paws from snow, ice, salt – American Kennel Club. American Kennel Club. https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/vets-corner/protect-dogs-paws-snow-ice-salt/

Protect Your Dog’s Paws in Winter Weather. (n.d.). Animalhumanesociety.org. https://www.animalhumanesociety.org/news/protect-your-dogs-paws-winter-weather#:~:text=If%20boots%20don’t%20feel,keeps%20their%20paw%20pads%20hydrated

General Dog Care

Dog Parks; What You Need To Know Before Visiting!

Picture from google.com

Dog parks, normally when I think about dog parks I visualize large green pastures with high fences with dogs running around off leash playing with each other while their pet parents socialize and relax. Is that what you envision as well? I’ll be honest in saying that I have personally never seen a dog park in real life and only in movies. So in order to write this article, I did quite a bit of research to find out what REAL dog parks are like, are they safe and what you should do to prepare for your visit to the dog park, or if you should even visit a dog park at all. After this article there will be a page of references, I highly recommend you read them as they contain lots of amazing information that I was not able to dive into during this article. 

Firstly, I would like to go over the benefits of dog parks. Dog parks can be great places for dogs to get off leash and burn some energy, especially in big cities and places where local governments may have put restrictions on dogs and where they are not allowed to be. It creates a space for the dog parent and dog to bond and be outside and get some fresh air, and is a great way for the pet parent to get in some exercise too!

Deciding if the Dog Park is Right for You and Your Dog

*The Park’s Structure

One of the very first things you can do to make sure your dog will be safe at the dog park is to check out the park itself first. You’ll want a dog park that has high fences and plenty of spaces for dogs to separate from each other in case one needs a break. You don’t want another dog to be able to charge at another and tackle them, even in play, and the other dog does not have an option to hide if they are not interested in playing with that dog or that way. Take note to see if dogs are conjuring around the openings of the park and how big the entrances are. If dogs seem to loiter around this spot, it could possibly start some anxiety with your dog being bombarded with new dogs and scents all at once especially by dogs who are hyper and may not read body language signs from other dogs, but we will go over that in detail after. 

Is it located next to a busy road? Do you feel secure with the park’s entrance that it could stop your dog or other dogs from running outside of the park? Do they have benches, clean up areas or communal watering areas for dogs? Be careful about letting your dog drink from communal areas as they could spread unwanted germs and illnesses from dog to dog. 

*The behaviors of your dog and other dogs

The other area of mention is to watch how your dog is with other dogs, even before going to the dog park. Just like humans, not every dog is interested in every other dog and they may not get along with every other dog. Once a dog hits mature age, they may have less drive to meet new dogs or to play with others (and just like humans, there may be some who simply cannot get enough of other people and dogs). 

If your dog is showing signs like: yawning a lot, panting, becoming suddenly startled, possessive of toys or food then maybe the dog park is not for you. Also be conscious if your dog is overly hyper and plays rough. Not every dog is going to want to play with your dog, especially if they are very hyper! Keep an eye on your dog and other dogs, if they start giving signs that they are becoming uncomfortable around your dog, or your dog is uncomfortable around another dog, you will need to be able to remove yourself and your dog until both have calmed down. 

Preparing to go to the Park!

After doing some research, checking out your local park and determining if your dog plays well with others then it is time to get ready to go to the park! Leashes and collars are not the only items you will need to go to the park. Disposable bags for accidents are a must, along with bringing a dish and water for your dog to drink from when they get thirsty. There are lots of cool portable water carriers for dogs that you can find online or at your local pet retailer. 

Aside from physical items, I highly recommend that your dog is fully up to date all their vaccinations before visiting the park. If you wonder how long you should wait, your vet can tell you that information. They will also be able to tell you what vaccinations they believe your dog should have if you plan on visiting dog parks. 

So What if the Dog Park isn’t for You and Your Pup?

As I stated before, dog parks are not for every pair of pet parents and dogs. But there are still plenty of cool activities that you can do with your dog that don’t involve them having to socialize with tons of other dogs. Consider joining a sport with them like agility or frisbee! There are also events called Barn Hunt which you can find more about at the American Kennel Club’s website. 

I hope this article helped you in deciding if dog parks are right for you and your dog, and if they are not I truly hope you look into those fun activities listed just above! They will help give your pet and you some amazing bonding experiences. 

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Barn Hunt. (n.d.). American Kennel Club. Retrieved December 13, 2021, from https://www.akc.org/sports/title-recognition-program/barn-hunt/

Bergel, H., KPA-CTP, CPDT-KA, & CBCC-KA. (2021, June 7). Should Your Pup Go to the Dog Park? Daily Paws. https://www.dailypaws.com/dogs-puppies/dog-exercise-play/are-dog-parks-safe-for-all-dogs

Dog Parks: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly – APDT. (2017, March 10). APDT. https://apdt.com/resource-center/dog-parks-good-bad-ugly/

Helmer, J. (n.d.). Dog Park Safety: What to Know Before You Go. WebMD. Retrieved December 13, 2021, from https://pets.webmd.com/dogs/features/dog-park-safety#2